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CORA Coaching Women for Research and Academia

About the Program

As a women researcher who has completed the PhD, you are planning your further career path within academia. You are well aware that career and personal development are essential to professionalism. And you are looking for the right strategy to attain your career goals. You want to consciously plan each phase of your career and reflect on the subject-specific conditions required. The University of Freiburg aims to support you professionally with coaching and training on strategic career planning.

The new round of the program begins in October 2024.

The application period for the call runs from May 15, 2024, to July 15, 2024.


Target group

CORA is a career advancement program aimed at women, intersex, non-binary, transgender, and agender individuals.

It supports excellent postdoctoral researchers, junior professors, and group leaders from all faculties.


Number of participants

Ten annually.


Program content

  • One-on-one coaching with a maximum of eight sessions.
  • Exclusive training sessions to complement the University’s regular advanced training program.
  • Motivation through regular get-togethers of a peer group.
  • Development of a network of researchers.



  • You intend to qualify for a professorship or a leadership position in research and academia.

  • You commit to participating in the CORA events.

  • You have an existing employment relationship with the university of Freiburg for at least one year from the start of the round (October 17, 2024).


Applications are submitted via the online form by the participant. The following documents must be included with the submission:

1. Curriculum vitae, including details on publications and teaching activities

2. Proof of Employment Contract with the university of Freiburg for at least one year from the start of the round (October 17, 2024)



The University of Freiburg has a pool of professionally-trained, certified coaches.

You can find a list of our coaches available for download below.



Confidentiality: Names of participants and the goals and contents of the coaching are confidential.

Quality assurance: We kindly request you to conduct a mid-term evaluation after four sessions. At the end of the coaching, the program will be evaluated to ensure the quality of the service.



Coaching: The purpose and the aim of the coaching are explained in the initial consultation with the coach. A framework agreement is signed by you, the coach, and the university. You and the coach decide together how often you will meet.

Training: These are exclusive sessions for program participants. Typically, participants from previous rounds are also invited. Attendance is mandatory for participants in the current round.

Network meetings: Every six to eight weeks, you will meet with other CORA participants and practice the method of peer counseling. You are expected to attend at least three out of six meetings.


Possible topics of coaching

  • Clarification of roles
  • Reflect on strengths
  • Strategic planning for a visible external profile
  • Reflecting on values
  • Dealing with ambivalence
  • Strengthening your research profile
  • Making strategic plans
  • Working on your vision
  • Breaking the creative block
  • Improving time management and setting priorities
  • Reconciling academic and private life
  • Dealing with extraordinary burdens
  • Further developing your social competence (communication, leadership skills, team skills)
  • Strengthening your ability to manage conflict
  • Working conflict-solving




CORA dates 5th round (2023–2024)

CORA dates 6th round (2024–2025)



Department for Equity, Diversity and Academic Personnel Development

Mariana Vargas Ustares

Phone: +49 761 203-9053

Office Hours
Monday 2:00–5:00 PM, Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00 AM–5:30 PM

Consultation Hours
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays by appointment.



Call for applications CORA

CORA Coaches


Sign up now


Only complete application documents will be accepted and processed.

Please contact us if you have any questions about the program before you send off your application documents.








Additional offerings of the Department for Equity, Diversity and Academic Personnel Development

Qualification Program for Postdocs and Advanced Postdoctoral Researchers

Mentoring Program AdvanceMent

Tenure-Track Professorships and Junior Professorships

Additional offerings at the University of Freiburg

You will find here a selection of other interesting offerings from different university providers. Please note: The terms and conditions of each provider apply. The Department for Equity, Diversity and Academic Personnel Development is not responsible for the content, execution, and quality of the offerings.


Freiburg Research Services

Freiburg Research Services are comprised of the Graduate Centre (GraCe), EU OfficeScience Support Centre (SSC), and Research Partnerships and Structures (RPS).



At the Sprachlehrinstitut, you can improve your foreign language skills and learn new languages.


Offerings for postdoctoral researchers at the Medical Faculty

Postdocs conducting research at the Medical Faculty can avail themselves of the offerings provided by this faculty.


EIRA Mentoring for female physicians and researchers at the Medical Faculty

The EIRA mentoring program is aimed at female physicians and researchers at the Medical Faculty who are pursuing the goal of habilitation. It is structured into three pillars:

1. Meetings of mentor-mentee tandems

2. Continuing education opportunities for leadership qualification

3. Networking events for mentees among themselves

Applications are open to female physicians and natural scientists in the field of medicine. Physicians from the 3rd year of residency onward and researchers in the postdoctoral phase with a clear goal of habilitation (there should be at least one publication available) are eligible to apply.


Kite-mentoring - a career supporting program for female doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers

Kite-mentoring is an English-language mentoring program at the University of Freiburg. Currently, female doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers in the fields of physics, chemistry, pharmacy, mathematics, computer science, engineering, biology, and medicine are invited to apply for participation in kite-mentoring.

The kite-mentoring program consists of three pillars: mentoring, training, and networking. However, it is not mandatory for all mentees to participate in events from all three pillars.