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Postdoc survey

The University of Freiburg wants to implement a regular survey on the working conditions and career prospects for Postdocs. The survey will first be conducted in 2024. On this website you can find the current status of the survey and, at a later point, also its results.

Current project phase:

GDaPe - Postdoc-Survey Current Phase

In the current test phrase the survey draft is being checked by several Postdocs from different faculties of the University of Freiburg. Through this test we want to ensure that the survey accurately represents the different working and research conditions of postdoctoral researchers at the university.

The survey is planned to take place from the beginning of October to the middle of November, the invitiations will be sent to the email addresses stated in HISinOne as well as via several other channels. First results are expected towards the beginning of 2025 and will be published here on this website.

If you have questions or comments on the survey you are welcome to reach out to the project lead, or .