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protect - Protection against Discrimination and Abuse of Power



protect supports all students and employees of the University of Freiburg who experience discrimination and abuse of power.


Our counselling service

Have you experienced or observed discrimination or abuse of power? Then protect is there to help!

Our central service is qualified anti-discrimination counselling on all forms of discrimination and abuse of power. We offer personal counselling sessions, telephone counselling and counselling by e-mail or online. You can also receive counselling anonymously; counselling is confidential and free of charge.

Counselling process

During the initial counselling session, we will discuss your concerns and work out options for action and support with you. On this basis, we will decide together with you whether and in what form we can provide you with further support. You can request an appointment for the initial consultation by e-mailing . You can also call +49 761 203-54165 for more information.


Annette Joggerst [she/her]

Annette Joggerst

  • Qualified anti-discrimination counsellor ADVD Berlin
  • Qualified social worker, systemic supervisor, argumentation trainer
  • Many years of experience in anti-discrimination counselling, expertise in racism, anti-Muslim racism, classism and all AGG discrimination characteristics

Other contact points at the UFR

AGG Complaints Office University of Freiburg for employees:

In case of sexual harassment/stalking:

Representative for Students with a Disability or Chronic Illness:

External counselling services

Anti-discrimination office Freiburg

ADS - Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency

Ofek counselling centre for anti-Semitic incidents

Rosa Hilfe Freiburg

Transall Freiburg

Leuchtlinien - Support for those affected by right-wing violence



Annette Joggerst


Phone: +49 761 203-54165